Task Based Learning Ideas

A Task Based Project means that the students create a tangible end product. This could be a presentation of any kind or the physical creation of the product. In education, task based projects work best when the criteria are clearly mapped out and where assessment is in a rubric form which is given to the students before they start the project. The rubric must allow points for completion of tasks, for the various competences and skills required, for the manner the end product is presented. The end product itself is an end result but the learning experience needs to be accounted for whatever the result. If a student is more IT or craft minded than another, a project that requires these skills will make him or her shine. However, one must also reward the effort made by those who try their hardest, even when their end product may not be of the same quality because they lack the IT or craft skills, for example. 

  1. Student as the Teacher. Let the Students create the test for lesson or lesson content item revision. Task the student to teach the next class or a specific item.
  2. Create Your Own Country: Set criteria: e.g. Choose name, location and create a history and geography around the location. The project must be presented on a website or a blog to enhance IT skills, written in a target language. Include other criteria like fauna and flora, cuisine etc. Check this site for an example
  3. End Product DIY. Find inspiration at Instructables. Find an interesting project as a sample and challenge your students to either create a similar end product or one of their liking.  These projects range from sewing to coding, to furniture DIY to robotics - etc. Let your students surprise you.

  4. Bucket List. Create a bucket list collage, video, presentation. Think of possible criteria for the presentation. 
  5. Try Zentangles or Origami

  6. Start an online Magazine: Flipoard allows you to add articles from various media sources and students can add or create their own. 

  7. Design or redesign your school, classroom, playground, city, park etc.

  8. Technological End Product. Check out Ditch that Textbook for technological ideas. More ambitious Technological mini projects at Guvi
  9. Video project ideas at Biteable or Invideo 
  10. 10 ideas from Edutopia
  11. Webquests: Ideas from my trainees. Webquests Site.

  12. Start a business. Ask students to come up with a business idea and a business plan. Use this Venngage Template
  13. Create a Fundraising Campaign. Ask students to come up with a campaign for an issue they are interested in. Use this Venngage Template for planning purposes. 
  14. Create a Family Tree: A personal tree or one that involves research like a historical figure. What about a Fakebook profile project involving famous people, literary characters etc?

  15. Real Life situation role plays with a spiced up tinge. A debate based on prepared research, a real life negotiation, a meeting with a real purpose, minute taking and agenda etc.
  16. Connect Across Disciplines: When students design and build kinetic sculptures, they expand their understanding of art, history, engineering, language arts, and technology.
  17. Use Home Languages and Cultures in mixed classrooms.
  18. Rethink lunch, ways of doing things, travel, timetables, new sport rules etc.
  19. Learning Expedition. Set criteria and information sources for research in different areas.
  20. Miscellaneous: A List of 62 Ideas
