- Ground up Diversity: Sir Ken Robinson's concept of Ground up Diversity. People, students, and teachers create the change, not the administrators or the executives.
- Share, Publish and encourage sharing material and ideas. Create websites, blogs wikis and best of all encourage and teach students to use them.
- Social Networking: There are currently over 70 million updated blogs worldwide. This offers a way to blend traditional education with modern communication.
- Adopt CLIL methodologies based on the 5 Cs of Communication, Competence, Community, Cognition and Content. Check out CLILSTORE
- Introduce Task Based Projects and Web Quests.
- Be a Lazy but Effective teacher.
- Flip, Blend your classroom.
- Technology Enhanced Learning
- SAMR: How best to use or not use technology.
- If you are not doing his in class why are you not? Stephen Downe
- Student Competency Based Learning: Outcomes are based on student desires and skills.
- Underground Education: John Taylor Gatto advises teachers to choose the real world over the classroom.
- Student Competency Based Learning: Outcomes are based on student desires and skills.
- Nano or Bite-sized learning: Chunk information and learning content for better attention spans and retention.
- International Objectives : This refers to the CLIL idea of Community. Students must think globally rather than domestically or locally.
- Disruptive Innovation: If it is disruptive, it means that this new technology is taking over the conventional way of learning. Resistance is both futile and unproductive.
- Problem Based Learning or Experiential Learning
- Constructivist Learning
- Self Directed Learning: Further Reading
- Give Education its Social Status: If the community including citizens and government do not give education the importance it deserves, education standards will fall.
- Lesson Study, CPD and Collaboration: The concept of the teacher as a student who is always learning from lesson student and peer feedback.
- Constructive Struggling: Struggling and Mistakes as part of the learning process
- School in the clouds: Remember that whatever the odds, students only need the tools needed for learning, however basic they are. Sugata Mitra's project and the stories of successful students from poor or troubled social backgrounds should serve as a reminder of potential and potential.
- Degree Qualifications: Qualifications should not be work based, but they should be a benchmark that allows students to be qualified for future jobs and possibilities.
- Place Based Learning: “immerses students in local heritage, cultures, landscapes, opportunities, and experiences, uses these as a foundation for the study of language arts, mathematics, social studies, science and other subjects across the curriculum, and emphasizes learning through participation in service projects for the local school and/or community.”
- Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
- Competition: Open to innovative projects, experiments, creation.
- Teacher Quality: This depends on teacher salaries, conditions and respect for the teacher.
- Democracy and Self Reliance
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